Seeking paper abstracts for an upcoming SAW themed literary journal. The Horror Scholar Journal, vol 6, aims to be made available online in November 2024. This opportunity is paid 50 USD upon receipt of the final paper. Abstracts should be 300 words briefly describing the scope and topic of your paper.

Final papers must be anywhere from 1500-3000 words. Not accepting reviews or previously published papers. This journal attempts to prioritize underserved or less published horror academics. Proposals/papers should be submitted in a readable, neutral size 12 font.

Cut off date for abstracts: August 7th 2024

Cut off date for finished papers: October 31st 2024

Steps for Application

  1. Submit your abstract via email to [email protected], along with your name, a 3 sentence bio, and social media links.
  2. Once your abstract is accepted (5 day turnaround), a finished paper can be submitted via email any time until the cutoff date above.
  3. Payment for your work will be sent upon reception of the first draft.
  4. Each paper will have 1 round of edits.

About Horror Scholar

HS is an independent horror research brand and one woman publishing operation. It strives to make academic publishing more accessible and to celebrate both critical theory and fandom.

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